
Steam Web Account Manager

This is a node.js web server that returns Steam two-factor login codes and login details for use in login and mobile trade confirmation.

You could maybe use this to separate your secrets from your accounts, or to make it easier to get codes for your alternate accounts. You should use the official Steam app for any account with significant value.

This project is a fork (but standalone nonetheless) of steam-twofactor-server by DoctorMcKay: with the current additions:

Big shoutout to DoctorMcKay for his original work which inspired me for this project.

The idea of this project is to make a web based version of my Python steam account switcher.


Copy config.sample.json to config.json and edit the settings as you wish.

You may have noticed that there’s no options for HTTPS. This is currently unsupported. Use nginx as a proxy instead.

For frontend configuration please make sure you modify the SERVER_URL variable in the config.js file. You can also turn off server URL override for your users in the config.js file.


I recommend using nginx and running the api out of a directory (modify the rootpath for this) instead of just the root of a subdomain. I also recommend running the frontend on the same subdomain as the app, under the root directory. This stops any CORS issues you may run into when trying to make AJAX requests, and you can also use nginx to serve your frontend which is nice.

Using nginx also means you can use HTTPS/SSL and also add basic authentication to protect your accounts. If you want to use the mobile confirmer with basic authentication you can add the authentication to the url, e.g:

Below is a simple example of nginx location blocks that can do the trick.

server {
	location / {
		auth_basic "Restricted Content";
		auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
		root /var/www/account-manager/html/;

	location /api/ {
		auth_basic "Restricted Content";
		auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd;
		proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; 
		proxy_set_header Host $host;
		proxy_http_version 1.1;


BE SURE YOU MODIFY THE SERVER_URL variable in the config.js file to point to your backend!

Here’s an example screenshot:

Example screenshot

Any green text will be copied to clipboard on click.

with config:

	"test_account": {
		"shared_secret": "base64=",
		"identity_secret": "base64=",
		"steamid": "123456",
		"password": "",
		"nickname": "main smurf"
	"test_account2": {
		"shared_secret": "base64=",
		"identity_secret": "base64=",
		"steamid": "123456", 
		"password": "",
		"nickname": "silver smurf"
	"test_account3": {
		"shared_secret": "base64=",
		"identity_secret": "base64=",
		"steamid": "123456",
		"password": "",
		"nickname": "old main"
	"test": {
		"password": "asdfasdf",
		"steamid": "123456"


Put your accounts’ in accounts.json with the same format as the sample file.


The current version is very functional for my means, however roadmap for the future may be:


To get actual codes, use the following endpoints


Returns a JSON response containing user objects inside the object data where the keys are username with the user objects containing password, steamid, nickname and two_factor_code. A value length is also given which contains the number of accounts inside the data object.



Returns a JSON response containing a single object containing username, password, steamid, nickname and two_factor_code.



Returns a JSON response containing your account’s current 5-digit alphanumeric login code.



Returns a JSON response containing the current time and the key encoded in base64. These are to be used with the mobile confirmations page on

Optional: You can override the time using ?t=unixtime.


HTTP Response Codes

If an error occurs, the response body will contain more information.